It's Deepest Meaning
"A man shall leave his father and mother and hold fast to his wife, and the two shall become one flesh. This mystery is profound, and I am saying that it refers to Christ and the church" (Ephesians 5:31-32).
Last night Daryl and I spent some time reading from John Piper's book The Passion of Jesus Christ: 50 Reasons Why He Came to Die, reflecting on the reasons and praying together. It was a really sweet time and one of the experts we chose to read was "Christ Suffered and Died to Give Marriage It's Deepest Meaning" (appropriate since today is our first anniversary!).
Piper shared how Scripture shows that marriage was God's idea before Adam and Eve and the coming of Christ, and how God had marriage in mind as a way to make Christ's love for his people more evident. Christ's suffering and death gave an extreme example (particularly to husbands as they are called to love their wives as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her) for marriage and give marriage it's deepest meaning.
"Because Christ died for both the husband and wife...their sins are forgiven. Neither needs to make each other suffer for sins. Christ has borne that suffering." "Now we see that marriage is meant to make Christ's love for his people more visible to the world" (John Piper).
This year has been one of the most fun, enjoyable, and growing years of my entire life (it's true - not many can say they've gained so much weight their first year of marriage - hee hee). But in all seriousness, my relationship with Daryl has taught me tons about my relationship with God and helped me grow leaps and bounds in appreciation for God and His great love for me expressed primarily through the gospel - that Christ died for sinners.
I have grown in my understanding of grace and unconditional love. I have further learned how I can more practically love and respect my heavenly Father as I learn how to love and respect Daryl. I have further recognized God's faithfulness and my unworthiness as I experience forgiveness and freedom to be myself with my husband. God's kindness in using Daryl to lavish His love on me in millions of tangible ways has been incredible.
It is our prayer that as we continue to grow in Christ as a couple that our marriage will mirror God's love for people more and more to those around us and so adorn the gospel.
Thanks be to God for such a wonderful gift and for His wisdom in giving us such a joyful way to further experience His great love for us.
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