More, please!

We have a little ritual in our house that is a little silly, but loads of fun. When Daryl and I greet each other after being at work, out, etc, one person usually ends up saying, "More, please!" when the other pulls away. We picked up the routine from our niece Georgia who used to follow Daryl around the house and ask for "more, please," (only she wanted his diet coke). I personally feel that asking for more hugs and kisses is way better than diet coke, but she's four so I'll cut her some slack :)

As I have previously mentioned, I haven't been necessarily over-joyed with this last month of pregnancy. I'm ready to meet Anna, ready to quit wearing maternity clothes, and ready to have to stop wondering if I'll really get to go here or there, do this or that, have to vacuum the guest room again, etc...

To put it bluntly - I have been grumpy (noooooo, me?). I have allowed carrying this baby to become more like a burden than a gift as I focus on myself and the "inconveniences" I feel I'm facing. I have missed out on a lot of the pleasure of these final days with Daryl and I just as a couple and especially on the pleasure I first had when we found out we were pregnant, were having a girl, etc...

So the past two days I have come to God and said, "MORE, PLEASE!" More grace! It's times like these that I am reminded that I am constantly growing in debt to Him and in need of grace, and thankfully, His grace is vastly more abundant than my sinfulness. That is something to get happy about!

2 Corinthians 12:9a says, "My grace is sufficient for you..." Indeed, it is! MORE PLEASE!


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