Pictoral Update

Here's an update on Anna :)

She likes to sit up (with help of course)...

Play on her tummy...

And boy, does she LOVE her exercauser. She was afraid at first, but she quickly adjusted as you will see...

"This is amazing!"

"I LOVE this thing! Don't take me out - don't you dare take me out!"

Seriously - she loves how everything makes noises and lights up and she even likes spinning herself around in her little seat. She also is great at entertaining herself on the floor while I'm cooking dinner, etc. As you can see, she isn't so much into playing with her toys as she is into eating them. We have much training to do!!! :)

While Anna was a gem last time I did Once A Month Cooking, this time she wanted to pitch in! Please disregard me - I cook from sun up to sun down so I don't shower til it's all over! By the way, for those of you who are wondering, it was even easier this time and I found some more recipes we like. It was such a blessing to be able to have meals ready to just bake instead of having to cook every night. Whoot, whoot!!!

However, like I said before, I am tired, very tired at the end of the day. Anna was tired, too. Check her out...

She is quickly revived with kisses!

She thankfully loves mommy...

...and Daddy! What a joy she is to us!

She is generally a very happy little girl.

And just in case you're curious on whether or not she knows she's our cutie...

Rest assured...she does.


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