$3 won't cover it

In the parable of the Good Samaritan in the Bible a man asks Jesus what He has to do to "inherit eternal life." Jesus tells him (see Luke 10:25-37 for the whole story) and it says, "But he [the man questioning Jesus], desiring to justify himself, said to Jesus..."

Every time I read that that verse it pricks me because I am so often like that man. I want to justify myself where I fall short out of either pride - I don't want to admit I'm wrong, or laziness - I don't want to do what it takes to change.

I remember a guy in college saying in regards to physical intimacy before marriage, "Why don't stop asking how far is too far and start asking ourselves, 'How pure can I be? And then go after it.'"

It made such a profound impact on me because he was right! But so often what we do as Christians or even not is to get as close to the line, just before it comes sin or "really bad" as we can because we've bought into Satan's lie that that is the best place to be. But it isn't. Usually when we get close to the line, it's just too hard not to go ahead and cross it. Oddly enough, when we flee the line (like God has advised us to do), and pursue holiness through Christ, that is when we are most satisfied.

We often ignorantly trade laziness for productivity, modesty for looks from a guy who will also look at every other immodest girl, great sex for cheap sex, nagging for kindness, gossip for friendship, and as Mark talked about on Sunday - $3 worth of God for fullness of joy and the chance to light up the world.

I love how J.P. (John Piper - and one of D & I's new heroes) puts it in his book Don't Waste Your Life...

"...in creating us for his glory, he is
creating us for our highest joy. He is most glorified in us when
we are most satisfied in him."

Why don't we believe God that His ways are the best ways? Why don't we shelf the excuses and throw out the temporary pleasures and fail-to-satisfy goods and buy in to the real thing. Let's buy in to Him and thus be satisfied and truly joyful forever.


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