Discipline and peace

I confess it doesn't seem like the two terms go together - "discipline" and "peace". But much like fullness follows a good meal or laughter a funny joke, peace often does follow discipline.

Hebrews 12:11 says, "No discipline seems pleasant at the time, but painful. Later on, however, it produces a harvest of righteousness and peace for those who have been trained by it."

I have heard this verse and clung to it many times. In my own life have been thankful for it's promise. Unfortunately, I've required a good deal of discipline, and it was indeed VERY painful at times, but always taught me what I needed to know. Namely, God is always right and if I want to be happy, I better listen to what He says instead of what I think it is I want. Again, not only happy, but satisfied. And as the verse says, not just "righteous" (or full of good behavior), but at "peace" (or empty of disquiet) not matter what my circumstances.

However, this week I was particularly struck with how my discipline (or lack there of) of Anna will affect her future.

In the study "Living Beyond Yourself" by Beth Moore (which I highly recommend), she was speaking on the fruit of the Spirit "peace" and she made the powerful connection between how a disciplined child, if trained by that discipline, is promised peace. They grow up and experience peace and make peace. Adversely, those children who are not disciplined won't have that peace. In fact, they will grow to be lovers of contention.

Wow! I so much want my dear one to grow up full of peace and to be a peacemaker - not a strife causer! What an encouragement to be consistent in my discipline and to not give up. What an encouragement to discipline my children in loving, godly and sound ways.

In that vein, we are just now starting time-outs, etc, and I would like to thank my friends around me for their wisdom and advice as I am finding that I can use all the help I can get in knowing how to handle my daughter as she grows! So, you know who you are - thanks. And thank you God for disciplining me.


  1. Yes, discipline and peace. Amazing huh? And it gets better :) then you add in Mercy and grace :) People think that you show mercy by not disipling the child when something is done. But, you show mercy by discipling. Thanks for the post and for the verse :)

  2. Great reminder, Lauren, because (1) it is hard not to laugh at the ornery things Jadon does (especially for Jamie and my sister) and (2) it is hard for his Mommy to see him cry, when his feelings are hurt. All for the better, in the end though. Boys seem much harder to discipline at this age, if you ask me!

  3. As Andy Stanley says, "There is a cumulative value when our time is invested in important things." We may not see an immediate result when disciplining these little ones, but over time, as we commit to what is important, we will see that all the perseverance is worth it! (Like when Cooper stopped throwing food on the floor! Praise the Lord!)


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