Here is a post in primarily pictures, because I could write way more than I should :) Enjoy and please scrutinize the final pictures pretty closely...
My sweet friend, Kristen, who I worked with at Young Life's Saranac Lake Camp in high school and attended college with at her baby shower! SOOOO good to see her after five years of not! (Too long, dear friend, too long).
We also celebrated my brother's birthday that weekend, but we were running late to the party so I have no pictures. I can say that it was A LOT of fun, though :)
The girls having fun in the Dora house :) We are so grateful for our little friend Naomi - what joy she adds to our house when she's here. Happy birthday!
Decorating eggs with good friends.
This may be the funniest picture. J thinking, "seriously, Anna?" Too funny!
Sweet Caroline holding sweet Nadia. Too cute.
Oh, and lastly, happy birthday to my mom (the 29th) and Daryl (tomorrow!). Love you both!
I love you, too! Lovin' those T-shirts! YEAH!