Unfolding the Practice of Prayer

There are a handful of books that I would say have "revolutionized" my life. One of them I am working through right now - "When I Don't Desire God" by John Piper.
Something everyone should know about me is that I love anything practical. I am not a very theoretical person - it's something I have to work hard at to appreciate - but practical, WHEW HOO I love it. And this book gives a very practical look at fighting for joy in Jesus and from my perspective offers a deeper, more in depth how to - and perhaps more importantly, why concerning reading the Bible, praying, etc.
Before you consider that you already know all this, reading quotes from John and the other serious minded God lovers he has included in this book has given me quite a kick in the seat, and much joyful anticipation for what my times in God's Word and in prayer will bring about in my heart and mind and life. Who doesn't need a good re-energizer every now and again?
I hope to spend the next week or so blogging some of the great ideas imparted to me (I also love sharing ideas - if this is annoying to you, I apologize, but you know...joy bubbles over and I have always been a talker - or in this case, writer - and I really do hope for it to increase your joy, too) and ways I have been blessed to put this in practice in my own times of prayer and times of prayer with friends who have pushed me to love Jesus more in ways I will never be able to thank them enough for.
I also would ask YOU for your prayers as I have been seeking to have more time in the morning (BEFORE MY KIDS/HUBBY wake up) for these things. I used to wait for nap time, but now with two kids, that doesn't happen until after lunch and I think it would benefit me and them and everyone better if I got things settled first thing.
Any of you who know me well know I would much rather stay up late and wake up at the last possible moment so it has been hard work to fight off my own selfish ambitions spent on silly, temporal pleasures to get in bed at an earlier time to wake up at an earlier time. The fight is proving worth it, but nonetheless it is a fight, and I have failed at persevering in it before, so I ask for your help. Feel free to ask me how it is going, too.
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