By Myself...

I've mentioned before how helpful it is for me to hang around with other moms and their children because I often pick up things that I "should" be doing or could be doing with my kids that I'm not :) I certainly don't know everything about parenthood and so I'm very thankful for learning times.

Last week some of my friends were talking about when their kids started being able to drink out of "regular" cups rather than sippy cups...most of them said their kids started experimenting around 2 years of age. Anna is now a couple of weeks beyond her second birthday, so let's see how she did...


  1. laughed at this: the other day Jack saw my cup on the table and said, "what is dis?" i said, 'water, do you want a drink." he looked at it, and said, "no, dat's dang-wus (no lid on it)!" so...maybe anna can teach jack her tricks before he turns three! ha.

  2. Haha - I don't think she'll have it mastered for a while, but honestly, I had never even thought about transitioning her! Thank God for those who have gone ahead! My kid would be 20 with a sippy! ;)


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