Julia Roberts?

Have you ever played or heard of the party game where everyone wears a name on their back that they don't know but everyone else can see? They then go around and ask yes or no questions to figure out who's name is on their back. I've always been terrible at that game, but anyways...

I am still reading "Because He Loves Me" by Elyse M. Fitzpatrick with a dear friend and this week we are discussing the chapter entitled "Gospel-centered Relationships". It has been A.M.A.Z.I.N.G. I love it. I wish I could type it out in it's entirety right here but that would probably be counter productive...

Anyways, she talks about the game above and correlates it to our lives as humans and the sins we carry around that we are totally blind to but are so obvious to everyone else :) It is humorous in a way because I'd like to think that I'm aware of all my sins, but in reality, I'm not.

She also discussed how "we don't want anyone poking around in our affairs, and we certainly don't want to be accused of poking about in anyone else's..." her insight on this common truth is great -

This idolatry of privacy and individualism is one of the greatest detriments to sanctification in the church today 178

Honestly, God has been INCREDIBLY gracious to me to grant me a few friends a different seasons in my life willing to invest in me fully; to love me and be committed to my growth in Jesus. This chapter reminded me of their preciousness. It also gave me great encouragement to be more grateful for those willing to speak truth into my life even when I don't want to hear it and to be more bold, yet loving and careful, to do the same to those who God has placed close in my life.

This quote further aided me -
Jesus uses SINFUL human beings to prepare his bride. 179

If you've been immersed enough in cultural Christianity you have "learned" that it is not cool to confront others without dealing with your own issues. While it is true that we shouldn't be hypocrites, we shouldn't use that as an excuse to not encourage our sisters and brothers and help them walk worthy of the calling they have received because truth is none of us has arrived. So the next time someone confronts me I pray I will remember these truths and be more quick to commend them for their stout-hearted love for me. May we all pursue such relationships and be faithful to them.

Faithful are the wounds of a friend;
profuse are the kisses of an enemy.
Proverbs 27:6


  1. great blog post Lauren. i think a big way to open to door to having friends is asking them from time to time to be honest with you and let you know something maybey ou could work on. that way its less difficult on them, and helps you too:) and if you get mad..they can just say, "well you did ask!'
    i love you and your passion for growing in christ.


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