Summer Times

Our July has been so fun! Here is a kinda sorta run down :)

My sister-in-law invited me to walk in the Young Lives fundraiser walk. Young Lives is a branch of Young Life that specifically works with teenage moms. Here is our team:

Super fun! The most fun part was meeting some of the teenage mom's and their sweet babies and hearing the volunteers share about them hearing about and some coming to know Christ. I was so thankful to have been invited - it was a real joy to be there.

While we were there we also had a lot of fun with Jarod and Kadie and their dogs :) The girls even got to go swimming. Another fun experience was getting to interact with Jonas - a man from Ethiopia that they allowed to come live with them while he tried to get a job in the US and make some money to eventually bring his family over here. He loves Jesus and loves kids, so it was fun to meet him and learn more about his culture. I also think it's beneficial to our girls to learn to love all sorts of other people - various ages, cultures, etc, so that was cool.

Then we celebrated July 4th! We missed out on some fun festivities because Nadia spiked a fever, but the next day she was good and we got to hang out with some good friends and watch fireworks.

Our good friend Jane had us over and made yummy cookies, homemade ice cream and all sorts of other goodies. Anna and Nadia love going to Miss Jane's for parties - she always has toys out for them! She is a huge blessing to our family and we appreciate her prayers for us.

The next weekend we went camping with the Copan's! They are champs - we all braved it with 3 children 2 years old and younger! Hahahaha! It actually went quite well - we didn't leave the campsite much between the 3 girls sleep schedules, but we enjoyed hanging out with them and the girls got to go to the playground, etc. Here are the girls going to the playground - we were trying to keep them awake until naptime! Haha!

After wearing the girls out at mini golf and the pool, Daryl and I did get one evening alone after the girls were in bed and managed our first successful fire on our own :) It was real fun.

Then we got to wake up to these sunny faces...

Another fun event was J's birthday and a tour of the WVU stadium. Here are all the kiddos + one baby doll...
My loves
Nadia being her super cute self

ALMOST taking her first steps on the WVU field! She didn't quite make it, but is now walking some although she seems to prefer crawling.

We've also just enjoyed a whole lot of hanging out in the sun and with eachother. The girls seem to be growing much faster with two around. :(

Water fun - Daryl has taught Anna to drink out of the water hose. She has in turn taught Nadia...Hahahaha! Too cute.
And this my friends - Kadie scored this at a garage sale for us and the girls play on it EVERY day. They LOVE it. Today it was a castle. We waited for Prince Charming to come but apparently he was stuck in the TV (or so Anna says). Love is tricky like that.

AND....We just had Kadie's baby shower! Here is the diaper cake I made her -
And here she is - can't wait to meet Colton Douglas! It will be so fun to have a boy on the Blaney side of the family!!!!! YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!

It was a great shower. My mom and I planned it together which was fun. She is really great about celebrating others. Nina made the cake...I love that skill of hers!

All in all it's been a fun month so far. More to come, Lord willing!


  1. thanks for the updates! nice to get a picture of your have a beautiful family.



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