Day In, Day Out

I recently read a letter a young woman wrote concerning the legacy of Biblical womanhood her grandmother is passing on to her and in it she wrote,

"I [have] the living example of a woman who trusts the Lord and loves her home. Grandmommy, always joyful being busy at home, has cooked and cleaned and made chores like folding laundry a joy. She even made teaching me how to making a bed without a wrinkle or crease a fun experience. She never complained about the many tasks of being a wife, mother, grandmother and now great-grandmother. Instead, she provided an example to me that being a homemaker is not second-rate to a career; it’s a full life of privilege and joy!" (Bethany Emmerson)

I was deeply convicted because while I think I often "DO" the things I feel called to do around my home, and I LOVE my family dearly, I often don't "DO" the things for those that I love so dearly with the understanding that it is my privilege and with joy. For instance, the nightly dishes (sometimes the second time around)...It's not to say that I don't want to be a housewife - I would never want otherwise. There are things I certainly joy in doing around my home. I do love cleaning most times - as long as I'm not interrupted or as long as it lasts for a while :) I love get all the laundry DONE - I don't like that there is always some. I love doing crafts with the girls - as long as they follow my instructions :) I love planning activities for them, going on outings with them, and I love when Daryl comes home from work! There are so many moments of the day I am overwhelmed with how much joy each of my family members brings me and I seriously often consider writing something on facebook like, "MY FAMILY IS FANTASTIC!" but I don't, because that seems prideful :)

I love cooking, when the girls are quietly having TV time and play pen time respectively. I love eating dinner with my family but prefer them to carry their plates over when they are finished. I love sitting down with my husband to chat in the evenings, but often wish things were cleaned up more quickly beforehand!

Anyways, I'm so grateful for God's gracious confrontation to my heart and I am praying for much grace to go about my days, day in and day out - even the unplanned and amidst all the monotonous - with joy and happiness. Even in my housework and chores may the light of Christ shine forth from me "so that in the same way, ...[others] may see [my] good works and give glory to your Father who is in heaven" (Matthew 5:16).

It is also my prayer that my dear sweet family will not see me as a "martyr" or as serving them begrudgingly, but rather that they will see love and joy in me - my hope in Christ and trust in His good plan and purpose for my life in every season and in every moment (whether I planned it or not). May they remember me as being joyful - not as constantly working or being tired. Father, thank you for the privilege. Family, thank you for the privilege. I love you all!


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