Anna's 3!!!
So, today is Anna's official 3rd birthday! As much as I have known she is growing up, it seems much more real...This weekend she slept in an actual queen sized bed at my brother and Kadie's house and loved it. She sleeps in panties at night (except we didn't let her there since this is new - lol). She can dress her self, put on her own shoes, open her own juice boxes, and tell me how it is :)
We were so blessed this morning that even though are plans of a park birthday party got rained out (or at least called for that), our friends came over and made our day so fun! I was so thankful when I put Anna and Nadia down for naps that I had pizza sauce finger prints on the window ledges, mounds of tissue paper trash, and remnants of cupcakes all over the floor. God has been so generous to us. I am so thankful for the friends we have to walk through life with and am looking for our family party this weekend!
Lately Anna has been exhibiting some attitudes that are not in line with how Jesus would have us to behave (or at least they have been more prominent). While I know it's her own sin in part, I also know exactly where she picked up some of it :( I was really convicted this week when I heard her talking harshly to her baby doll during room time (same phrase and tone I've used with her) and knew it was time for me to begin listening to this sermon series passed on by a friend - IF you have kids 0-5 please grab your spouse and listen! It was SO beneficial to my soul.
After the first sermon I went in to Anna's room, and as I've had to do so many times, apologized to her. I correct her for impatience or for being rude and yet I have shown impatience and been rude to her. I was so helped by the speaker's words regarding how slow we are to change in sin areas and yet we often expect our children to change overnight. How foolish, self-righteous, and prideful of me!
Thankfully, when I asked her if she forgave me, Anna said, "Sure, Mom. Can we go play?" More thankfully, I know that God is bringing these sin areas to surface in me not to make me feel like a loser, but to change me, AND He has credited Christ's righteousness to my account, AND He can bless my child inspite of me :). I am so thankful for the sanctifying effect Anna and Nadia have had on me - they see me all the time, so no hiding sin areas from them - at least not for long.
While I have hated how my sin has affected and may affect Anna, she did two outstanding things today, that I am hopeful she learned from my poor example :) 1) She came to me this morning and apologized for "crying upstairs earlier" completely sincere and sweet (we had a time of instruction then, but she didn't apologize then as she was too upset - it is hard waiting for your birthday party to start). 2) I understand, it's hard to share new birthday presents or not get upset when someone takes from you, but those attitudes still needed addressed. So after the party, we chatted about the good and bad of the party :) One of the more "critical" insights I offered was that she needed to either give up what some wanted from her willingly or kindly tell them she still was playing with it. If that didn't solve the problem, she could ask a parent for help. She responded, "Maybe I could have another party and share real nice. Everyone would love that!"
Lastly, I loved her attitude about having to have her party inside. She asked if we were going to keep the "happy birthday" banner I had posted and upon saying "Yes, maybe we'll save it for Nadia's birthday," she exclaimed with enthusiasm, "And maybe she'll get to have her party at the park!"
She is so beautiful!!! Happy Birthday Anna!! We wish we could wish her a happy birthday in person!