No apologies :)
I haven't blogged in a l.o.n.g. time. I'm okay with that.
But, while I'm thinking of it...
There have been some awesome and encouraging Motherhood blogs/articles floating around on the internet - most of which I caught via someone else on facebook. One of those articles many of my mom friend's probably read - the one in which the author who has many young children responds to the phrase many mom's often hear, "You have your hands full!" with, "Yes, full of good things."
I LOVE that response and have decided to make it my response, too! It is so appropriate, not just for the person I am responding to, but for my own soul! Cause doggone it, I am such a baby and if enough people tell me that I can start setting up my own personal pity party.
But seriously, I don't think most people who say that to me really mean it like, "Oh, man, you have kids. Kids are terrible. WHY DO YOU HAVE SO MANY KIDS?" I'd say 90% of the time the person is just being sympathetic knowing that it is busy during this season and that we don't have a lot of time for leisure (or peeing, but from what I've heard, most mom's kidneys do in fact survive).
I would like to suggest though that many other people have very difficult jobs, lives, are exhausted, etc, so I don't know why we mom's get so noticed. Maybe it's because there is so much at stake with kids and so many have also done it so they can relate?
Regardless, I hear that line, literally, at least once EVERY single week when I take my kids with me grocery shopping and typically at each store; Aldies and Giant Eagle.
I'm happy about this because in effect, it's such an easier opportunity to "take the kingdom" with me. The kingdom where children are a gift and we love them as God has loved us, His children. To do this, I of course have to be gracious in my response (inside and out) - trying not to make the poor person feel like an idiot for telling me I have my hands full, but reminding them, myself and my kids of the truth so that it's like a breath of fresh air.
Another line we sometimes hear with young ones is, "enjoy every moment; it goes sooo fast!" There was an article written on this line as well, but honestly (and I might be being uncharitable), it didn't set as well for me.
Because I for one wish I heard this one more! It doesn't make me feel guilty, it makes me feel rejuvenated, inspired! There was literally a moment the other day when the girls were "dancing" in the family room and Aaron was babbling on my lap and I was getting "nothing" done and that very line popped into my head. "Enjoy them." My house probably won't be full of little voices and lack of self-consciousness for very many years, my goodness self, LOVE IT!!!! How precious are these days. They really are going so fast - I know this because just this morning I thought, " day, again? Already? Seems like I just did that, maybe we can pass this week?!" :)
And I don't mean "enjoy every moment" like be utterly and completely delighted that your kid has to pee after you've gotten everyone back out to the car after shopping and the baby just fell asleep in his seat, but "enjoy every moment" like oh dear soul, take delight in pouring yourself out for you little ones just like Jesus did for you. Count on the fact that love is NEVER in vain and this precise moment is exactly where God wants me to be - reminded of my inescapable need for His energy, grace and strength (and ability to get three small ones in a teeny bathroom stall without anyone getting a disease or looking at someone else under the stall) and trusting in His future grace - that even in moments of difficult training or "nuisance" there is blessing. I might not see it til later, maybe not even until I'm standing face to face with my precious Saviour, but I will.
No one else may see what we do all day. We might not ever get an award for being most improved or a valuable player or most helpful associate, or even a bouquet or flowers as often as we'd like, but God sees and He does reward.
Hebrews 6:10, "For God is not unjust so as to overlook your work and the love that you have shown for his name in serving the saints, as you still do."
God bless us, ladies, we are in such precious moments! Not that I always believe that (see top of post about my own personal pity parties). So next time someone tells us to enjoy our kids, let's be humble and remember it's not just their advice, it's God's will for us (see Titus 2:4, 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18). And who doesn't want a boat load of joy? Goodness.
(oh yea, and all my kids are currently napping, so if I remove this post later, I'm sure you will understand ;)). And, I'll post non-happy kid pictures soon so you can see both sides of the coin :)
i get the full comment alot too. my reply: Id say they are more than a handful--but what blessings to me!
ReplyDeleteand on the other comment: i get that one alot too--and always enjoy the reminder. as my kids get older--I see it is true--time passes--and I am ever so grateful to be firmly planted--fully locked in and totally invested in this stage of life. glad you are too!